Mary Jo O’Rear: The Magnificence of the Coastal Bend

Feb 22, 2023 | PAPHA Lectures

As part of the Museum’s 2023 Winter Lecture Series, Mary Jo O’Rear spoke on Feb. 20 about the reasons why she considers the Coastal Bend a great place to live through its geologic history, flora and fauna. She also discussed hurricanes and building defensive sea walls, where they are located and when they appeared.

About Mary Jo O’Rear

Mary Jo O’Rear is a writer, researcher and historian focusing on the Coastal Bend in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. Her past career includes 32 years with the Corpus Christi Independent School district, teaching history, geography, economics, and English, as well as six years with TX A&M-Kingsville and Del Mar Community College, teaching US history.  She has earned MA in history and political science.

MARY JO O’REAR is the author of Bulwark against the Bay: The People of Corpus Christi and Their Seawall and Storm over the Bay: The People of Corpus Christi and Their Port, a finalist for the 2010 Most Significant Scholarly Book Award, presented by the Texas Institute of Letters.

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