Causeway and Ferry History

Apr 10, 2015 | Island History

Wooden causeway

by Bill Behrens, Museum Docent


Harbor Island was the central Texas port. Since goods had to be transported to and from Harbor Island, a channel was dredged from Aransas Pass and a railroad was built on the dredge spoil. Workers were transported to the new port by way of the railroad, the Toonerville Trolley.

Sometime during this period, auto-carrying railroad cars, pulled by a railroad-wheeled truck, were brought in and a ferry landing was constructed on Harbor Island to carry the cars to Port A. In addition, a pipeline was added to the railway to carry crude oil to Harbor Island.

Sign - Straddle the Rail and Keep Astride. Harbor island Causeway Co.
Old cars on the causeway


The 1st ferry, the Mitzi (privately owned), took advantage of the newly dredged channel and carried cars from Aransas Pass to Port Aransas.

The ferry Mitzi


The first freighter docked at Harbor Island. Our town, which was once called Tarpon, now Port Aransas, held a week long celebration after the arrival of the Brinkburn.


The Corpus Christi ship channel was opened, negating the need for a cargo-railroad to Harbor Island.

Brickburn docked


The railroad tracks were boarded over. Cars could now drive to the Harbor Island ferry landing via a single-lane wooden causeway, with “pull outs” to facilitate passing.

Wooden causeway


Ferry operations were transferred from private ownership to Nueces County.


A paved roadway replaced the wooden causeway.


Hurricane Carla washed away some of the new roadway, requiring vehicles to use the old wooden causeway which had been protected by growths of salt cedars and oleanders. Operation of the ferry system was transferred to the Texas Department of Transportation.


The Texas Department of Transportation took over ownership and operation of the ferries and did away with tolls.

Nellie B Ferry with cars

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